HMS Bounty - definitie. Wat is HMS Bounty
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Wat (wie) is HMS Bounty - definitie

HMS Bounty         
  • Os amotinados abandonam [[William Bligh]] e os seus companheiros do ''HMAV Bounty'', [[29 de Abril]] [[1789]].
HMS Bounty foi um navio inglês no qual parte da tripulação se amotinou contra seu comandante, o tenente William Bligh. O fato se deu nas primeiras horas da manhã do dia 29 de Abril de 1789, quando o Bounty fazia sua viagem de regresso à Jamaica e depois Inglaterra, trazendo um carregamento de mais de mil (1 000) mudas de fruta-pão.
HMS Juno (F46)         
O HMS Juno era um contratorpedeiro da Classe J, construído pela Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd, e lançado à água em Govan na Escócia a 8 de Dezembro de 1938, tendo entrado ao serviço da Royal Navy a 25 de Agosto de 1939.
Mutiny of the Bounty         
Mutiny on the Bounty; Revolta na Bounty; O Grande Motim
* Motim do HMS Bounty, revolta de marinheiros em 1787 que inspirou livros e filmes
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor HMS Bounty
1. The islanders are descendants of the HMS Bounty mutineers who seized their ship in 178', and the Tahitians who settled with them.
2. The Torbay Development Agency, which booked the ship for Torquay, said they had been led to believe HMS Bounty was The Black Pearl.
3. I can only ask that people accept an apology." The 46–year–old vessel was modelled on the original HMS Bounty, famous for the 178' mutiny between Captain Bligh and Master Mate Fletcher Christian.
4. "It was in Pirates of the Caribbean but represented another ship." HMS Bounty left Maine in America on July 7 and stopped in Halifax, Nova Scotia, between July 12 and 16.
5. Patton was the first person to be killed on Norfolk Island since it was settled in 1856 by 1'4 descendants of the HMS Bounty mutineers after Pitcairn Island, their first sanctuary, grew too crowded.